Sunday 21 September 2014

The Story of Stuff: A critical Analysis

The Story of Stuff: A critical Analysis

1.     The message of “The Story of Stuff” is that the  production system is in in crisis. Annie explains how we as consumers need to stop buying  so much stuff if we want to save what is left of Earth’s resources . Also that in order to create the products we as consumers love; workers are being exploited.  Also chemicals are being released into the atmosphere and these chemicals that cote our products are endangering our health and the worker’s health.  I think the overall take home point for each consumer is that with every dollar they spend they can choose to support this toxic cycle or make choices that support a healthy planet.

This is a system in Crisis!
3.       Annie uses the persuasive technique of showing the viewer why what she is saying affects them directly.   For example she focuses on the harm that the production cycle has on the consumer, the factory workers, and those who lose their resources as to sway each of these categories of people that this vicious cycle has to stop.  As a consumer I was swayed when she mentioned that most synthetic chemicals have not been tested for safety.  Also when she discussed perceived obsolescence I felt betrayed by the corporations who design my products.  As a consumer I was disgusted by these facts and therefore I believe Annie’s persuasive technique of making the message personal to the audience to be highly effective.

What are we really allowing into our homes, our bodies, our atmosphere? 

5. Annie is fully on the side of the environment and strongly against corporations and hold prejudices against the government. Therefore all of the information she presents is missing half the picture and is coming from this perspective. Even if she is telling us facts the whole picture is much more complicated than her bias allows us to perceive. For example:  Yes, harming the environment is wrong but people desperately rely on the jobs she is so casually saying shouldn't exist. 

7.     I believe that the story of stuff makes convincing arguments as her points are explained thoroughly and with details.  For example Annie did not just state that chemicals that are part of the production process are very harmful, she used examples such as the chemicals put on pillows. Also she explained the whole cycle of production thoroughly which helped the viewer see the damage being down to the Earth and humans at each stage.  Based off all the evidence and explanations in the video I am convinced that recycling is not enough and serious life choices need to be made on the individual level in order for change to occur.

If  You don't make the change, who will?  

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