Tuesday 21 October 2014

Fetal Pig Dissection

Fetal Pig Dissection 

Below abdominal cavity

Step 1

Identifying the sex of the pig
-Finding no opening around the umbilical cord and a small opening near the anus we discovered it to be female

Step 2

-Cutting below the abdominal cavity to reach the organs

- Many thick layers of skin and fat protected the pig's organs making it hard to cut open

Step 3

Delicately detaching the bottom layer of  skin from organs, as to not puncture organs

Step 4

Viewing the intestines and liver

Step 5

Removing the liver

Step 6

Removing the intestines

Step 7

Removing the stomach carefully as not to rupture it
we noticed the esophageal sphincter( small opening)

Step 8

Removing the pancreas
We found it to be surprisingly thin and short

Liver, intestine, pancreas

Step 9

After removing the intestines, stomach, liver,and pancreas; we were able to locate the kidneys located near the pig's back

Step 10

cross section of the kidney

Step 11

Removal of the Ovaries

Close up

Above the Abdominal Cavity

Step 12
Removing the brain

Step 13

Removing the eye

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