Monday 15 December 2014



  • Transcription factors attach to the TATA box also known as the promoter
  • The sequences before the TATA box are known as upstream, after the TATA box is known as downstream

  • Transcription factors that bind to the the TATA box help attract RNA polymerase 2
  • Once  RNA Polymerase 2 binds to transcription factors a transcription initiation complex is created and RNA starts transcribing
  • A DNA strand can be transcribed  by several RNA polymerase 2, at a time

Act II
  • The double stranded DNA is separated at certain points by RNA polymerase 2 
  • The strand being transcribed is the template strand ( antisense) the other strand is the coding strand( sense) 
  • The  RNA polymerase 2 binds RNA nucleotides to the template base pairs
  • As the RNA strands grow they trail off from each polymerase and the DNA strands reform a helix 
  • The RNA strand and template strand are anti-parallel
  • Genes are read 3'-5' which creates a 5'-3' RNA molecule
  • In RNA there is ''U'' instead of ''T" in the base pairs e.g A=U , T=A


  • The terminator signals the end of transcription, it is the sequence AAUAAA
  • At the end of the pre-mRNA molecule that was just synthesized a G cap is added to then of 5' and a Poly(A) tail is added at the end of the 3' 
  • Introns (junk sequences that must be removed)
  •  Extrons ( sequences that must be expressed) 
  • The  spliceosome loops and cuts out the introns 
  • It is composed of proteins and  snRNP
  •  Every snRNPs has  a small nuclear RNA molecule/ snRNA
  • The spliceosome also joins the exons, to create a mRNA molecule
  • A messenger RNA has now been synthesized from the DNA strands

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